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Welcome Letters

April 2024

Dear Parents / Carers, 

Welcome back to our last but most important term of an academic year before children move up to Reception.We trust you had an enjoyable and restful holiday!  

Nursery is made up of two sessions with staff as below: 

AM Nursery and PM Nursery

Class teacher: Mrs Chadwick 

Teaching Assistants: Miss Goodall and Miss Hodgetts 

This term the children will continue with Read Write Inc (RWI) where they will have a new sound each week. Children will also continue to learn a new number and rhyme each week from our learning scheme Ten Town, which the children can continue with at home. This will help children to use correct number formation for when they are practicing writing their numbers. We also continue to work with numbers to 5 and on numbers up to 10. The children have free access to work with concrete resources to help support them with counting.     

Our topic for Summer 1 is ‘Mini Beasts’ where the children will be learning all about different types of mini beasts, their habitat and how we care for all living creatures. Also, within this topic the children will be working with stories of ‘The Very Busy Spider,’ ‘What the Ladybird Heard,’ ‘Busy Bees’ and a selection of other fact books on mini beasts. The children will have lots of access to new stories over the term. The first two weeks back is extremely exciting as the children will have chicks and a butterfly farm in nursery. We shall send daily updates and photographs on class Dojo.  

Our topic for Summer 2 is learning all about ‘Summer and Fun in the Sun’. The children will be introduced to lots of new books and stories alongside each weekly activity. The children will enjoy lots of activities outside and continue to use the forest school.  

At the end of your child’s session, your child will be called to the door by myself (Mrs Chadwick) with the TA’s supporting your children on the carpet. Please be patient as we call your child to the door, although we aim to get them to you as quickly as possible, their safety is our priority. 

We understand you might have many questions and queries and will try to keep you updated through our school website and Class Dojo, where you can communicate with myself directly. 

Many thanks, 

Mrs Chadwick and the Nursery team


Nursey Curriculum Overview – Summer 2024

January 2024

Dear Parents / Carers,

Welcome back we hope you all had a lovely Christmas and a relaxing festive break. We would like to wish you all a Happy New Year from all of the Year Reception team.

The Year Group is made up of two classes:

Class 1 – Mrs Everritt

Class 2 – Mrs Smith

HLTA – Mrs Williams

Reception Teaching Assistants are: Miss McDonald, Miss Lee, Miss Andidorou, Mrs Gould

Reception pupils will remain in their class for the majority of lessons, with the exception of phonics, for which they will be grouped and may change teacher/classrooms. They will be informed of their teacher for phonics in lessons later this week.

We continue to have a number of online learning sites available for our children to access at home which staff will have provided login details for at the beginning of the year. This will help children to apply Maths and English skills based on their learning during the past weeks. We also expect pupils to read their school book regularly and discuss the story and characters. Learning number bonds is also essential for their Maths work in school and activities may be set to support this.

Children should arrive from 8.40am each morning through their assigned entrance and should then go straight into their class after washing their hands. Registration is at 8.50am. Any late pupils after this time MUST follow correct procedures and enter through the school office.

As always, we continue to expect high levels of behaviour and attainment at all times. Class Dojo will be used to reward children for excellent behaviour and effort throughout the year.

We look forward to a very enjoyable year full of learning and progress. If you have any questions/queries now or throughout the year, please do not hesitate to contact us by leaving a message on Class Dojo or contacting the school office.

Many thanks,

Reception Team


Reception Curriculum Overview – Summer 2024

April 2024

Dear Parents/Carers, 

Welcome back to our last but most important term of an academic year before children move up to the next year group. 

Year Group is still made up of 2 classes –  

Class 3 – Miss Watkins 

Class 4 – Mrs Mason 

Mrs Jones 

Year 1 Teaching Assistants are Mrs Perediuha and Mrs A Williams.   

As a part of the KS1 routine, pupils will continue to remain in their class for the majority of lessons, with the exception of phonics (including spelling and handwriting), for which they will be streamed and may change teacher/classrooms. They will be informed of their teacher for phonics in lessons later this week. Each day, we also expect pupils to read their school book and discuss related questions given at the back of the book.  

The doors will continue to be open from 8:40am each morning and children should come straight into their class once a member of staff is on duty, to be ready for registration at 8:50am. Any late pupils MUST follow correct procedures. As always, we continue to expect high levels of behaviour and attainment.  

In English this term we will be focusing on stories with repetitive patterns or structures, story writing, fantasy world settings and poetry. Throughout these units we will be reinforcing the correct use of spellings, grammar and punctuation. 

In Maths, our focus will be all four calculations using numbers to 100. Children will also continue to learn about measures, 2D and 3D shapes, position and direction, time and fractions. It is important that the children know and can quickly recall their number bonds to 20 – something which can be practiced at home regularly! 

The topics this term will be Seasides from the past and then Safari.  During Science sessions we will be learning about Seasons and Plants. In RE this term we are focusing on stories and prayers from Jesus. Pupils will continue to access Computing on Purple Mash by having directed sessions on the iPads linked to the curriculum. Our focus this term will be animated stories and coding. 

PE days for Year 1 will continue to be Wednesday and Thursday. Please ensure your child arrives at school in thecorrect PE kit(White T-shirt, Blue Shorts/ jogging trousers andtrainers) and a reminder thatno jewelleryshould be worn during PE sessions. 

In each classroom we have a water filter for children to access fresh drinking water throughout the day. Please send your child with a water bottle for them to fill up and use throughout the day, please ensure that it is clearly labelled with your child’s full name and class.

We look forward to a very enjoyable term full of learning and progress. If you have any questions/queries now or throughout the term please do not hesitate to speak to us, ensuring you go through the main entrance so that we can be aware who is on the premises. 

Many thanks, 

Year 1 Team 


Year 1 Curriculum Overview – Summer 2024


April 2024

Dear Parents/Carers, 

Welcome back for the Summer term and one which will be filled with learning. We hope you all had a restful Easter break. 

The Year Group is made up of two classes:  

Class 5 – Mrs Hawkins 

Class 6 – Miss Sinclair 

Additional Teacher: Ms Chauhan 

Teaching Assistant – Mrs Childs/Ms Shinh/Mrs Bhambra 

We have a number of online learning sites for our children to access at home which have been provided to children and can be found in their homework books. These will help children to apply Maths and English skills based on their learning during the past weeks. We also expect pupils to read their school book regularly and discuss the story and characters. These must be taken home every day and returned to school the following day. Learning times tables is also essential for their Maths work in school and activities may be set to support this. Please see the attached overview for more information on the learning we will be completing this term. 

Children should arrive from 8.40am each morning through their assigned entrance and should then go straight into their class after washing their hands. Registration is at 8.50am. Any late pupils after this time MUST follow correct procedures and enter through the school office. The school day will finish at 3.10pm.  

As always, we continue to expect high levels of behaviour and attainment at all times. Class Dojo will be used to reward children for excellent behaviour and effort throughout the year. 

We look forward to a very enjoyable term full of learning and progress. If you have any questions/queries now or throughout the remainder of the term, please do not hesitate to contact us by leaving a message on Class Dojo or contacting the school office. 

Many Thanks, 

Year 2 Team 


Year 2 Curriculum Overview – Summer 2024



April 2024

Dear Parents/Carers, 

Welcome back to the start of the Summer Term, the last term of the school academic year. We hope your holidays have been restful and enjoyable.  

Class 7- Miss Bahra 

Class 8 – Mrs Bernard 

Additional teachers – Miss Talbot & Mrs Chima 

Teaching Assistant – Mrs Payton 

We continue to have a number of online learning sites for our children to access at home which have been given out last term. This will help children to apply Maths and English skills based on their learning during the past weeks. We also expect pupils to read their school book regularly and discuss the story and characters. Learning number bonds and times tables is also essential for their Maths work in school and activities may be set to support this. Please see the attached overview for more information on the learning we will be completing this term. 

Children should still arrive from 8.40am each morning through their assigned entrance and should then go straight into their class. Registration is at 8.50am. Any late pupils after this time MUST follow correct procedures and enter through the school office. The school day will finish at 3.10pm and children will be dismissed through their assigned exit.  

Please note our PE days will now be Thursdays and Fridays. 

As always, we continue to expect high levels of behavior and attainment at all times. Class Dojo will be used to reward children for excellent behavior and effort throughout the year. 

We look forward to a very enjoyable term of learning and progress. If you have any questions/queries now or throughout the year, please do not hesitate to contact us by leaving a message on Class Dojo or contacting the school office. 

Many Thanks, 

Year 3 Team 


Year 3 Curriculum Overview – Summer 2024

April 2024

Dear Parents/Carers, 

Welcome back to the start of the Summer Term. We hope you all had a peaceful and relaxing Easter holiday. 

The classes are still the same: 

Class 9Mrs. Pahal (Monday – Wednesday) and Mr. Smyth (Wednesday – Friday) 

Class 10Mr Mills 

HLTAMrs. Perry 

Teaching AssistantMiss. Jones    

The doors will continue to be open from 8.40am each morning and children should come straight into their class once a member of staff is on duty, to be ready for registration at 8.50am. Any late pupils MUST follow correct procedures. As always, we continue to expect high levels of behaviour and attainment. 

In English this term we will be focusing on stories which deal with issues and dilemmas, playscripts, poetry and newspaper reports. Throughout these units we will be using VCOP (Vocabulary, Conjunctions, Openers and Punctuation) and SPAG (Spelling and Grammar). Read Write Inc. will continue for some students. In Maths, our focus will be on place value, mental additions and subtraction, decimals, fractions and division, 2d shape, volume and capacity and multiplication as well as statistics. 

Children will be given ‘Extended Learning’ homework activities to complete. This work is to be completed at home and will be given out and collected every three weeks. Please support your child to complete this work to a high standard but also by themselves so that we can see what pupils have learned and can demonstrate independently.  

PE days for Class 9 are now Monday/Tuesday and Class 10 are on Monday/Wednesday. Please ensure your child arrives at school in the correct PE kit (White T-shirt, Blue Shorts / jogging trousers and trainers) and a reminder that no jewellery should be worn during PE sessions for health and safety reasons. We look forward to a very enjoyable term full of learning and progress. If you have any questions/queries now or throughout the term, please do not hesitate to contact us by leaving a message on Class Dojo or contacting the school office. 

Many thanks,

Year 4 Team 


Year 4 Curriculum Overview – Summer 2024

April 2024

Dear Parents/Carers, 

Welcome back to the start of the Summer Term, the last term of the school academic year. We hope your holidays have been restful and enjoyable.  

Class 11 – Mr Ellis 

Class 12 – Miss Hill 

Higher Level Teaching Assistant – Miss Thomas 

Year 5 Teaching Assistants are: Miss. Jenkins 

We continue to have a number of online learning sites for our children to access at home which have been given out last term. This will help children to apply Maths and English skills based on their learning during the past weeks. We also expect pupils to read their school book regularly and discuss the story and characters. Learning number bonds and times tables is also essential for their Maths work in school and activities may be set to support this. Please see the attached overview for more information on the learning we will be completing this term. 

Children should still arrive from 8.40am each morning through their assigned entrance and should then go straight into their class. Registration is at 8.50am. Any late pupils after this time MUST follow correct procedures and enter through the school office. The school day will finish at 3.10pm and children will be dismissed through their assigned exit. Children in Year 5 still have the opportunity to walk home alone. If your child walked home alone last term, that will be continued this term unless the permission is revoked in writing. Any other children that do not currently have permission will need to sign and return a letter.  

As always, we continue to expect high levels of behavior and attainment at all times. Class Dojo will be used to reward children for excellent behavior and effort throughout the year. 

We look forward to a very enjoyable term of learning and progress. If you have any questions/queries now or throughout the year, please do not hesitate to contact us by leaving a message on Class Dojo or contacting the school office. 

Many Thanks, 

Year 5 Team 


Year 5 Curriculum Overview – Summer 2024




April 2024

Dear Parents/Carers, 

Welcome back for the Summer term and one which will be filled with learning. We hope you all had a restful Easter break and that the children are ready for their final term with us at Woden Primary. 

The Year Group is made up of two classes:  

Class 13 – Mrs Rush 

Class 14 – Mrs Adshead 

Additional Teacher: Mrs Godfrey 

Higher Level Teaching Assistant – Mrs Sandhu 

Teaching Assistant – Miss Kopciewicz 

We have a number of online learning sites for our children to access at home which have been provided to children and can be found in their homework books. These will help children to apply Maths and English skills based on their learning during the past weeks. We also expect pupils to read their school book regularly and discuss the story and characters. These must be taken home every day and returned to school the following day. Learning times tables is also essential for their Maths work in school and activities may be set to support this. Please see the attached overview for more information on the learning we will be completing this term. 

Children should arrive from 8.40am each morning through their assigned entrance and should then go straight into their class. Registration is at 8.50am. Any late pupils after this time MUST follow correct procedures and enter through the school office. The school day will finish at 3.10pm.  

As always, we continue to expect high levels of behaviour and attainment at all times. Class Dojo will be used to reward children for excellent behaviour and effort throughout the year. 

We look forward to a very enjoyable term full of learning and progress. If you have any questions/queries now or throughout the remainder of the term, please do not hesitate to contact us by leaving a message on Class Dojo or contacting the school office. 

Many Thanks, 

Year 6 Team 


Year 6 Curriculum Overview – Summer 2024