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Governors Information

Woden’s Local Executive Governing Body (LEGB) is a partnership of governing bodies alongside D’Eyncourt Primary School. The LEGB is accountable to the Trust’s Board of Directors and is under the direction of the Executive Headteacher.

The LEGB essentially fulfils the same role as the Governing Body of a maintained school. Their focus is the core business of their pupils’ attainment and progress.

If you would like more information about the structure of the LEGB and what it is responsible for within the CLPT you can find more information on the CLPT site, found here.

Chair of Woden’s LEGB:  Carl Fox

Governors Information

Governor  Term of Office StartTerm of Office End Date  Type  Appointed By  Register of InterestsGovernance Roles in Other Educational InstitutionsMaterial Interests arising from RelationshipsLink Area
Doug Selkirk (CLPT)1.4.1731.3.25TrustTrustCLPT Married to G Holloway ( CLPT CEO)All Trust SchoolsCEOCurriculum / Attainment
Sara Walmsley (Woden)1.9.19Ex-officioHeadteacherStaffNoneNoneNone 
Danielle Darby (D’Eyncourt)1.2.18Ex-officioHeadteacherTrustNoneNoneNone 
Nicola Thomas18.11.2217.11.26StaffStaffNoneNoneNone 
Laura Thompson9. GovernorParentsNoneNoneNoneWellbeing
Sarah Ford (D’Eyncourt)22.3.1821.3.26StaffStaffNoneNoneNone 
Carl Fox6. GovernorParentsNoneNoneNoneSafeguarding YPIC / CIC
David Hampton16.7.1915.7.23Co-opted GovernorTrustNoneNoneNoneSEN
Sonampreet Kaur9. GovernorParentsNoneNoneNoneAttendance
Garry Leslie20.3.2419.3.28Co-opted GovernorTrustWolves FoundationNoneNoneICT
Andrew Aston20.3.2419.3.28Co-opted GovernorTrustNone NonePupil Premium