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Digital Ambassadors

Our school has two teams of Digital Ambassadors who are all trained by online safety specialists from Wider Learning who meet with the children throughout the year and give them regular challenges and tasks to give them the knowledge and tools that they need in order to be able to support the children in school to be the best versions of themselves online.

Our Digital Ambassadors have been a fixture of our school community for four years and support young people in their computing lessons and help to run our Online Safety Events in school. They have delivered assemblies to Key Stages one and two and have spent days with nursery and reception talking to them all about staying safe online.

Digital Ambassadors + are our higher level of support within the school and are drawn from Year 6. They work closely with the schools Online Safety Lead, Senior Leadership Team and Governors to promote online safety in school and review school policies and produce display materials. They also meet with school governors, school inspectors and parents to share their knowledge and explain their roles within the school.

The programme includes four main areas: self-respect and respect for others, healthy habits, staying in control and maintaining positive relationships.

They have also supported in lessons around the school giving children advice and guidance about staying safe online.