Free School Meals
From September 2014, all children who are in reception, year 1 or year 2 have been offered a free healthy school lunch. Children in other school years are also offered a free school lunch if their parent is receiving certain welfare benefits.
Registering could raise money for your child’s school.
Registering for free meals could raise an extra £1,300 for our school, to fund valuable support like extra tuition, additional teaching staff or after school activities.
This additional money is available from central government for every child whose parent is receiving certain welfare benefits. It is therefore important to sign up for free school meals, even if your child is in reception, year 1 or year 2, so that the school receives as much funding as possible.
The information you provide in the form will be used by the school to confirm receipt of one of the listed welfare benefits. Once this is confirmed, this helps to decide how much money the school will receive each year. If you have more than one child, a form must be completed for each one.
The information will also be used in relation to children in year 3 or above to decide whether they are eligible for free school meals.
You only need to complete the form once and as long as your circumstances do not change, it will last for the duration of your child’s time at the school (except for Flexible Charging meals).